Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.
(English) After 120+ years, x-ray imaging is getting a remarkable update with 3D, full-color images...
(India / English) New Zealand scientists perform the first-ever 3-D, colour X-ray on a human, using...
(Switzerland / English) PARK INNOVAARE, CERN, Paul Scherrer Institute and the University of Applied...
(English) First human scanned with spectral X-ray scanner
(Italy / Italian) I sensori che mappano l’aria inquinata vincono “Innovation for Change 2018”.
(Switzerland / French) Sur cent francs dépensés chaque année par cette institution, huit vont à des...
(France / French) Le CERN, un accelerateur pour l'emploi local.
(United Kingdom / English) BBC Click on Fake Art – InsightART's X-ray colour imaging of art!
(Belgium / Flemish) CERN's Medicis project featured in article by Prof. Piet Van Duppen on applied...